Yoga retreat

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Zamislite da se budite uz zvuke prirode, miris borova i Jadrana,  ustajete puni energije i spremni da radite, ali ovaj put na uzdizanju vaše energije, buđenju vaših uspavanih potencijala,  davanje ljubavi, pažnje, komunikacije, snage i podrške samo sebi!

Tokom cijele godine kada sva vaša pažnja ide usmjeravanju ka životu, ciljevima, I potrebama drugih, ovaj tjedan je samo za vas, da uđete u sebe,  očistite korove oko vaših misli, vašeg energetskog tijela, da izbacimo sve ono što ne hrani naš duhovni rast, kako bismo mogli da posadimo nova sjemena i uzdignemo se kao biće koje je došlo ovdje da iskoristi svoj maksimalni potencijal.

Ovaj put će da vam koristeći 4 različita modaliteta dovede vas nakon 7 dana u potpuno stanje balansa, harmonije i resetiranja da započnete svoj put sada:

~ Yin Yoga praksa koja će da se fokusira dnevno na balansiranje chakri, energetskih centara u tijelo i dovede naše tijelo iz dana u dan u harmoniju;

~ Breathwork – praksa koja kombinira tradicionalnu Pranayama tehniku, uz vođene vizualizirajuće meditacije i zvučne frekvencije – vode vas ka podizanju energije i vaše frekvencije, gdje treniramo um da dosegne veća stanja svijesti;

~ Somatsko ispuštanje akutnog & kroničnog stresa kroz TRE ©– Trauma Release Exercise

Koristiti ćemo različite načine kroz ples, pokret, dah, da uđemo u naše energetsko tijelo i izbacimo potisnutu energiju koja kreira kronični stres u našem nervnom sistemu, kako bismo na taj način procesirali emocije koje nismo u raznim događajima gdje smo doživjeli traumu, stres ili neko bolno iskustvo.

~ Ples & slobodni pokret- našem tijelu je potrebno da se slobodno izrazi, kako bismo aktivirali našu životnu energiju, i upravo iz tog razloga koristimo na ovaj način dopuštamo sebi da životna energija teče kroz nas.

Vođa retreata:

  • Aida je započela svoje Yoga putovanje prije više od 20 godina, kada je krenuo njen put iscjeljenja, kao teenager kroz Nutricionizam i izučavanje Psihologije, a onda kroz Yoga praksu. Isprva je njeno iscjeljenje bila Yoga a zatim kroz rast svijesti je odvelo u izučavane Traume prije 10 godina kroz Somatsku terapiju, zatim Jose Silva metodu, a posljednje godine otkrivanjem prakse Breathwork, koja je upotpunila prethodne metode zajedno.
  • Aida se bavi izučavanjem nervnog Sistema posljednjih 10 godina, i sa 20 godina praktičnog iskustva je kreirala ovaj program za balansiranje i regulaciju nervnog Sistema, radeći sa klijentima iz Europe, Amerike i Azije, a posljednje 4 godine je živjela na Tajlandu, kreirala online business “Becoming Resilient” I svoje dugogodišnje iskustvo i prakse je dovela u ovu cjelinu kako biste tokom jednog retreat programa ušli potpuno u vaš energetski sistem. Aidin je pristup uvijek ka “holo” ( cijelinskom) iscjeljenju, i dovela je pristup Traume, čuvanjem sigurnog pristupa i balansiranja u Yogu, i sada podučava Yoga instruktore kako da ovo donesu u svoje individualne  grupne časove i pomognu svojim studentima, kroz jedinstveni Trauma Informed teacher training.
  • Aida vodi individualno klijente, vodi individualne retreate kao i grupne, podučava edukativne radionice vezane za nervni sistem i radi kao leader teacher training-a za Radiant Spirit Yoga Alliance school, USA.

Energetska investicija za program : 200 EUR



Imagine waking up to the sounds of nature, the smell of pines and the Adriatic Sea, and getting up full of energy and ready to work, but this time on raising your energy, awakening your dormant potential, and giving love, attention, communication, strength and support only to yourself!

During the whole year, when all your attention is directed towards life, goals, and the needs of others, this week is just for you, to go inside yourself, and clean the weeds around your thoughts, your energy body, to throw out everything that does not feed our spiritual growth, so we can plant new seeds AND rise as a being who came here to use his maximum potential.

This path, using 4 different modalities, will bring you after 7 days to a complete state of balance and harmony and reset to start your journey now:

~ Yin Yoga practice that will focus daily on balancing chakras, energy centers in the body and bring our body into harmony day by day;

~ Breathwork – a practice that combines the traditional Pranayama technique, with guided visualization meditations and sound frequencies – leading you to raise your energy and your frequency, where we train the mind to reach higher states of consciousness;

~ Somatic release of acute & chronic stress through TRE ©- Trauma Release Exercise

We will use different ways through dance, movement, breath, to enter our energy body and release suppressed energy that creates chronic stress in our nervous system, in order to process emotions that we did not experience in various events where we experienced trauma, stress or something painful. experience.

~ Dance & free movement – our body needs to express itself freely, in order to activate our life energy, and for this very reason we use this way, we allow ourselves to let life energy flow through us.


Retreat Leader:

  • Aida began her Yoga journey more than 20 years ago, when her path of healing began as a teenager through Nutritionism and the study of Psychology, and then through Yoga practice. At first her healing was Yoga and then through the growth of consciousness it led to the studied Traumas 10 years ago through Somatxu therapy, then the Jose Silva method, and last year by discovering the practice of Breathwork, which completed the previous methods together.
  • Aida has been studying the nervous system for the last 10 years, and with 20 years of practical experience, she created this program for balancing and regulating the nervous system, working with clients from Europe, America and Asia, and for the last 4 years she lived in Thailand, created an online business “Becoming Resilient” has brought her many years of experience and practices to this unit so that you can fully enter your energy system during a retreat program. Aida’s approach is always towards “holo” (whole) healing, and she brought the Trauma approach, keeping a safe approach and balance to Yoga, and now teaches Yoga instructors how to bring this to their individual and group classes and help their students, through a unique Trauma Informed teacher training.
  • Aida void individual clients, void individual retreats as well as group ones, teaches educational workshops related to the nervous system and works as a teacher training leader for Radiant Spirit Yoga Alliance school, USA.


Investment into program: 200 euros
