Shakti dance

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Awakening Your Shakti Power

at the Shakti Dance® Workshop

with Angela and Katarina

6.-13.9. 2025 at the Hotel Korinjak 

6 days workhop (7.-12.9.2025 / 10.00 – 13.00)

Would you like to EMBODY your true FEMININE POWER?

Do you feel the calling to AWAKEN your INNER GODDESS?

Are you ready to invite ABUNDANCE into your life?

Do you want to FEEL FREE in the creative FLOW OF LIFE?

Would you like to go offline from everyday life for some days and allow yourself to JUST TO BE?

If your answer to one of these questions is YES, then we invite you to join us at the Shakti dance® workshop, which will take place at the magical island of Iz at the Hotel Korinjak from the 7th until the 12th of September 2025.

With the help of subtle Shakti dance® practice and constellation techniques, we will get in touch with our inner source, feel our true feminine power, explore different archetypes of Goddesses from the Indian mythology in order to integrate their aspects and connect to our wholeness. We will dance ourselves to the ABUNDANCE of LIFE, wild and free. Come and join us and take this precious time for yourself…

Shakti is the primal vibration of all life, she is the flow of life itself, the breath of life. She is the force behind manifestation and the life giver that animates all.

Shakti dance®  is the point where Yoga and Dance meet, transforming dance into yoga. In Shakti dance® we work to stimulate the flow of prana shakti within. The practice of Shakti dance® is rendered potent and effective through the combination of rhythmic movement, breath and mental focus. All Shakti dance® sessions also aim to prepare and calm the mind, so as to spend a meditative moment at the end, listening to the stillness inside.

Our workshop is a combination of Shakti dance® and holistic healing methods, like constellation work.

Purpose of the workshop:

  • Enhance body awareness and vitality through increased pranic flow
  • Cultivate free and creative expression of the Inner Being
  • Release tensions and emotional patterns
  • Reduce stress, increasing vitality and rejuvenation
  • Expands awareness and increases self-confidence
  • Provide a deeper sense of groundedness and stability
  • Heighten sensory perception and strengthens the meditative mind
  • Develop inner harmony and graceful movement
  • Alignment of the energy, mental and physical body
  • Develop inner peace, joy and love for yourself
  • Help to fulfil your soul’s potential

BELIEVE US, it will be gentle, subtle, deep, passionate, wild, playful, joyful, healing and we will have a lot of FUN together.😊

You are warmly welcome to join us, no matter the age, no previous knowledge is needed. You just need the willingness to be touched by LOVE.

The workshop will be held in English, with the possibility of translation into Slovenian, Croatian and German (depending on the needs of the participants).

Angela and Katarina are two passionate Shakti dancers, two brave souls who decided at a certain point in their lives to follow their hearts, that inner calling to live a life full of love and passion. They love to create spaces where people can connect to their true and authentic self to live the best version of themselves.

Angela lives in Austria (Vienna), she is Shakti Dance Trainer, Circle Dance Facilitator, Dance for Health Guide, Kinesiologist, Life Coach, Family Constellations Facilitator, Forest Bathing Guide, World Traveller, Nature Lover.

Katarina lives in Slovenia (Novo Mesto), she is Shakti Dance Trainer, Macrame Jewelry Designer, Ex Jazz Ballet Dancer, Trainee of Astrology, a big Nature and Running Lover.

Workshop price:

300 € registration by 31 March 2025

(if you come with a friend: 560 € together)

320 € registration by 30 May 2025

(if you come with a friend: 600 € together)

360 € registration after 30 May 2025

(if you come with a friend:  € 680 together)

Accommodation is not included in the workshop price.

For all additional questions regarding Shakti Dance and the workshop, feel free to contact us.

The same for booking the workshop:, +386 31708208 (slo, eng), +43 6604092659 (de, eng, hr)

Your spot is reserved with the payment of the workshop price.

Regarding questions about your stay at the hotel and for the reservation contact: (

Welcome to our JOYFUL Shakti journey!

Angela and Katarina
