Sacred Dance = Meditation in movement
Sacred Dance = Meditation in movement
August 20-27 and August 27-September 3
Sacred Dance = Meditation in movement
Meditative circle dances on beautiful classical and world music.
We dance (mostly) simple choreographies. Many of them help us to go inward, to deepen the contact with heaven and earth, with our source, with our soul. Some other dances are joyful and full of energy; through them we express the sheer joy of being alive and being together.
Everybody can join; no need to have a special talent for dancing or to have any dance experience. You are all very welcome; young and old, experienced and newcomer!
Every morning on the Maslina terrace from 10.00-13.15 (with a coffee-break from 11.20-11.50)
Free try-out on Sunday morning from 10.00-11.50, you are most welcome!
€ 150 / Kuna 1100 for a full week, € 250 /Kuna 1900 for two weeks.
€ 80 / Kuna 600 per week if you choose to join us only from 10.00-11.20 for the first half (focus on very quiet, meditative dances – a wonderful way to start your day! -) or the second half (11.50-13.15) with a mixture of meditative and slightly more energetic dances.
Facilitator is Jos Galdermans (The Netherlands, 1954). Experienced naturopath and teacher of sacred dance. He facilitates courses in most of the European countries and is presenting these dances for the 13th year in a row in Hotel Korinjak! He is the director of the Sacred Dance Academy where students are trained to become sacred dance facilitators.
Sveti plesi = meditacija v gibanju
Meditativni plesi v krogu na čudovito klasično in novodobno glasbo..
Večinoma plešemo na preproste koreografije. Mnoge od njih nam pomagajo iti globlje vase, tako da poglobimo kontakt z univerzumom in zemljo, z našim izvirom, to je z našo dušo. Nekateri plesi pa so bolj igrivi in polni energije, preko njih izražamo radost da smo živi in da smo skupaj.
Vsak se lahko pridruži, za plese ni potreben talent niti predhodne izkušnje. Vsi ste dobrodošli, mlajši in starejši, izkušenejši in popolni začetniki.
Vsako jutro plešemo na terasi Maslima od 10 do 13.15.
V nedeljo zjutraj od 10 do 11.20 je prost vstop za tiste, ki bi želeli izkusiti te plese. Prijazno vabljeni!
Cena 150 EUR za en teden
Plese vodi Jos Galdermans iz Nizozemske. Je izkušen naturopat in učitelj svetih plesov. Plese izvaja v večini evropskih držav, tukaj v hotelu Korinjak pa že enajstič zapored. Je tudi direktor AKADEMIJE SVETIH PLESOV, kjer se študentje učijo za učitelje svetih plesov.